Ooookay! And now finally, he we are, the concluding one of these releases. For those that haven't been keeping rails, we've been making our mode through the volumes redoing the magazine versions with meliorate raws over the form of the last few years now because we didn't accept the resource to do it when the volumes had simply come out. Though we did previously do volumes 1-2 at one point, this is an updated version that improves those releases and brings the quality upward to the level of our other Jojolion volume releases. This version has the best versions of the color pages I could find with and without the insert texts from the mag, all the pages are properly sized so the single pages are the same width, all the audio effects are typeset, all the text is updated to our current typesetting manner, and I also went through the translation and tried to meliorate it where that was possible. By and large speaking that just involved trying to make the phrasing sound more natural and fixing a couple super-minor mistakes from back in 2014 when we first did these. They use the same cleans every bit last time though as those were already good.

With that, I recall we're all done with JoJolion. It's been a verrrry long journeying. Nosotros did 27 volumes in both magazine and volume versions (The commencement viii chapters were simply ever done with volume versions but the residual we did twice. But technically nosotros redid those again in this release. And I recollect we've technically released chapter 9 3 times now if you lot count the magazine one.) And now I retrieve the piece of work is finally consummate. We may go back and set up something if a mistake or something is institute, but otherwise I think that'southward it. We're not gonna do something like re-release chapters with textless high-res versions of colour pages from new art books or redo everything if some sorta collector's edition with ameliorate quality paper comes out. I think for those things it's amend to but encourage people to seek out the artbooks/re-releases on their ain rather than re-update releases years after the fact for something similar that. Otherwise we're spending tons and tons of time but re-doing stuff when we could be doing something new. And I think everyone's pretty happy with what we've put out now. I hope you all enjoy it, JoJolion is a great series!

We'll see you in Part 9, whenever that starts!

Also, we have a new Discord! Come hang out and talk about manga.

JoJolion Volume 1 (Ch1-five)
Online Reader (Mangadex)

JoJolion Volume 2 (Ch6-9)
Online Reader (Mangadex)

Image Source: Jose

Bwaaaah nosotros did it! Here are our HQ releases of book 3 and volume 27! And with that, we've released volume versions of all of JoJolion. Nosotros finally did it afterward a very long period of working out way back through the old volumes from when the newest volume was volume 15 back in 2017. I'm very happy well-nigh this every bit this was a ton of work from a ton of people.
Book three should exist much improved from the magazine versions we did back when they came out in like 2013-ish. Volume 27 is by and large simply the loftier-res volume version but in that location'southward also a couple extra pages betwixt chapters and at the terminate (Though it doesn't modify the story really.)

Then right now the plan is we're notwithstanding going to do a *slightly* updated version of volumes 1 and 2 which have a few fixes to be in line with our mod style. They'll have fixed widths for the unmarried pages, added in the other color pages they were missing, have the sound effects added, and I'll fix any translation issues I find from when I did those back in 2014 and 2015. Simply they're not gonna change a TON, we're gonna utilize the same scans/cleans. Those are done as well the typesetting/lettering role. Anyhow I promise y'all all enjoy these!

(Also nosotros can't put these on Mangadex still because you can't update them with new pages. We'll put them at that place along with like 30 other things like this whenever that goes up.)

JoJolion Volume iii (Ch10-13)
Online Reader (Imgur)
Online Reader (Cubari.Moe)

JoJolion Volume 27 (Ch107-110)
Online Reader (Imgur)
Online Reader (Cubari.Moe)

Prototype Source: cococo029

Whew, so here'south our HQ version of book 4. In that location's just one volume left which nosotros don't have a volume version for left and that's 3. And then nosotros're gonna redo v1 and v2 to be more in-line with our current styles and take all the audio effects and all that. I said this on the other volumes, but they're all washed except for the last step which is the typesetters going through them and updating the fonts, which they can simply do when they're gratuitous from other stuff they got going on. So those'll definitely get done at some point. Again, the series is on hiatus until any JOJOLANDS is comes out and volume 27 comes out adjacent month. (Also we still can't upload this to Mangadex until they allow editing chapter pages again.) Encounter ya after!

JoJolion Book 4 (Ch14-18)
Online Reader (Imgur)
Online Reader (Cubari.Moe)

Image Source: 鍋野

And this is it! The final affiliate! We've now officially scanlated all of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 8 – JoJolion!
Volume 27 comes out next month and nosotros'll practice a loftier quality version using the raws for that in one case it does. Our HQ versions of volumes one-iv are virtually done, I'grand gonna see if there's any way to get them finished upwardly sooner because information technology's really been dragging on longer than I want.

There'southward no… uh… Jojo's Bizarre Adventure next event. Equally you might've heard by at present because it'south been going around Twitter, in a comment at the cease of the mag in the Table of Contents by Araki says the next thing he's doing is tentatively called "JOJOLANDS". Which is probably Office 9, unless it'due south some totally different affair. But he says he'south taking a small break before that starts. The plan for now is for us to merely continue on to that role, assuming we yet have enough staff to do information technology and nothing else unexpected happens. But I've been working on this series for a long time and I dunno if I can do it forever considering Araki is immortal and Jojo's will possibly never stop. ANYHOW we'll figure that out once more is announced. Enjoy this final chapter!

JoJolion 110
Online Reader (Imgur)
Online Reader (
Online Reader (Mangadex)

Image Source: Kristallion

109! Also it looks like next month Jojolion concludes. It's been quite a ten years. Next month is on the usual release day of the 19th in Japan so we've got a chip of a longer wait than usual because this month's was super early for some reason (Maybe to do with the Olympics starting next week? We dunno actually.)

Nosotros're still trying to get the concluding few of the onetime volumes washed, hopefully we can get them out shortly. We've been trying to figure out a programme for that so it doesn't take so long.

Oh I should also mention that seemingly there is no 3-Gatsu no Lion chapter in the adjacent Young Animal (So that's 2 in a row without one that hasn't happened in a while). So the next chapter may not exist until August 13th Nihon fourth dimension at the earliest.

JoJolion 109
Online Reader (Imgur)
Online Reader (
Online Reader (Mangadex)

Image Source: 達

Here ya become everybody, 108. Jojolion at present officially has as many capacity equally Death Note.
Uh, and so the series may end presently but we dunno when. So let's but go on going, all the same many more than chapters are left. We're working on getting the HQ volume 4 washed in the meantime. See ya next month!

JoJolion 108
Online Reader (Imgur)
Online Reader (

Image Source: ポストロ

Here it is! 26. This book came out not likewise long agone then I'm glad we were able to become it done pretty quick this time. We're working on the handful of onetime volumes still, and hopefully we get the next ane out in not likewise long. Again, they need to be completely re-lettered which our letterers can merely do in their free time.

I feel like I should mention hither that I updated a few lines regarding the "invisible spin bubbles" from these chapters considering now nosotros know what they actually are (I updated them a fleck ago and reuploaded the magazine versions only these have those changes, as well). The upshot was when they were kickoff introduced we didn't have whatever context, so it wasn't clear if "その中に" meant "inside" or "among", a lot of lines were said in a way where it was hard to tell if they were clarifying something or introducing a new idea… information technology'southward all kind of hard to explicate if you don't know Japanese. It wasn't fully clear until similar chapter 105 when nosotros got the full explanation.

Merely basically the end effect is at that place'southward but ii "types" of bubbles. In that location's the original ones at Jousuke'south fingertips which he can burn and the invisible ones that defy logic, are "just spin", and appear from the marker on his shoulder that he tin't control. There's nothing inside them, Mamezuku Rai was saying that the special invisible bubbles are "among" the other bubbles. They're both made of spinning lines, but for the second type of bubbles they are "just spin" and have no physical "cords" that are spinning (Which the originals have). Anyhow those bubbles gave me a real headache and distressing about the defoliation.

Anyyyhow check this out in the much-college-resolution celebrity.

JoJolion Volume 26 (Ch103-106)
Online Reader (Imgur)
Online Reader (Cubari.Moe)

Image Source: Kraaiden

Here ya go everybody, here's this. I am very tired.
Please don't spam various Youtube videos of whatsoever musical pieces that may exist mentioned in this chapter with Jojo references, thanks. Ok bye.

JoJolion 107
Online Reader (Imgur)
Online Reader (

Prototype Source: 戯画ガガ

And we're back with 106!
Uh, so the manga did not end this issue and it'due south not ending next consequence either (They'd announce if it were the final chapter in advance, most likely) and so the series will reach the x-year anniversary mark in June.

Anyhow nosotros'll encounter ya adjacent calendar month! Volume 26 comes out next calendar month too. We're working on the HQ version of book 4 besides.

Mangadex is all the same down so nosotros accept an imgur link and a link if you want to read it online. I have a big list of all the stuff I need to upload to Mangadex whenever information technology goes back up.

JoJolion 106
Online Reader (Imgur)
Online Reader (

Image Source: Nell

Woo, these are done! For some reason these ended upwards getting finished at the same time.
So we're caught upwardly on new volumes over again and we accept one more of the older volumes out. We still need to exercise three and 4, which we'll get to when we'll get done once the typesetter has fourth dimension to redo the typesetting on those volumes. Then we're gonna redo the typesetting on volumes 1-ii, though nosotros already did book scanlations of those, so it'll only exist the text that's different. And volume 26 is planned to proceed auction in early summertime.

Every bit usual, these take all the changes made between the magazines and volumes in them, which is just a couple lines usually. And for volume 5 I went dorsum and double-checked everything and fixed a couple small mistakes and tried to make any other improvements in the translation where I could.
Enjoy, everyone!

JoJolion Book 5 (Ch19-22)
Online Reader (MangaDex)

JoJolion Volume 25 (Ch99-102)
Online Reader (MangaDex)